
Diocesan Stories

Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau

“It is the one place I feel safe and loved just as I am”

Julie Schuchardt

I cannot even imagine life without the Eucharist. My love for the Eucharist is so intense that sometimes I feel as if my heart will burst. 

About 20 years ago, I was driving by a Catholic hospital where Perpetual Adoration is held in the chapel. I was not thinking about anything spiritual, in fact I had four small children in the car fighting for my attention about their day at school. Suddenly I felt a strong urge to go inside. I had never seen the chapel, but I knew Jesus was calling me to come in. I took the children home and came right back to the Chapel, where I knelt before Jesus in the Eucharist. I was overcome by emotion and began to cry. I started going to Adoration and eventually signed up for a weekly Holy Hour. Much good fruit has come from Adoration. My faith and my relationship with Jesus has grown and continues to grow. I have since brought others to Jesus in the Eucharist. What a treasure we have as Catholics! 

I love going to Mass and receiving Holy Communion because I am united to the Trinity and the entire body of Christ. When I receive Holy Communion, I am closest to the heart of Jesus, and I am closer to my loved ones who have died than I ever was when they were on earth. I believe the Mass allows us to participate in the passion, death, and rising of Jesus Christ, and we are truly present on Calvary because in the Mass we are outside of time. 

I love being in Adoration because it is the one place I feel safe and loved just as I am. I know Jesus is happy to see me, and it is like spending time with the best, most trusting friend imaginable.

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