Parish Stories

St. Bernard

Wabash, IN Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend


“A true gift from my Heavenly Father"

Ann Unger

The Eucharist has always been extremely important in my life and as I grow older, the importance has only grown stronger. 

In 2017, my son was involved in a horrific traffic accident and was life-lined to Parkview Dupont Hospital with the possibility of the loss of a leg and other issues. The days that followed were a blur and since I attend Mass daily, I received the Holy Eucharist each day. After the first several days, we all knew that my son was not losing his leg, but that he was in for a long rehab time. I spent nights sleeping in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at the hospital and visited as often as I could. 

Early one day, before I left for Fort Wayne, I called my parish priest to see if he would give me Communion, only to learn that he was unable to do that. Later in the morning at the hospital, as I sat looking at a Crucifix on the wall half covered in sunshine, I had the thought that maybe we were halfway through this extremely difficult time. Suddenly, the door that was near the tabernacle opened, and a man came into the small room. He opened the tabernacle door and removed the Hosts, and I knew he was preparing to give the hospital patients Holy Communion. He saw me and asked if I was Catholic. As I said yes, I began crying and was unable to speak or pray, only feeling God's love and comfort surrounding me. The strength I received from the Real Body and Blood of Christ equipped me throughout my son's hospital stay and beyond. My being in the exact place and the exact time of that extraordinary minister of Holy Communion was a true gift from my Heavenly Father as he reminded me of how much He loves me in the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ. 

With special love and gratitude I still attend daily Mass and Holy Communion.

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