I have been attending daily Mass for about 35 years. It is the ultimate prayer, a very deep connection to Jesus in His Word and receiving Him in the Blessed Sacrament.
Jesus calls each of us to this: ‘He who eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has Eternal Life’ (Jn 6:54). Also, ‘Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood remains in Me and I in him’ (Jn 6:56).
There’s a little secular jingle that applies to the nourishment of our souls: ‘If what you eat is what you are, eat a lot and you’ll go far.’
Mass is a means of developing and deepening my relationship with Jesus. So often the words of Scripture speak directly to a current issue I am encountering. He gives me insight as to how to proceed. Jesus is emblazoned on my heart and yet during the day I forget to call upon Him (my help is in the name of the Lord) and I try to handle issues on my own terms. Usually failing!!
Living in a post-Christian era is very challenging. What do I say? How do I say it? I feel the absence of the Lord in the public square. But I feel uniquely prepared to bring Him back, to make His presence known through my witness.
I receive graces to go forth and proclaim the Lord, hopefully restoring others' desire to have a relationship with Jesus.
One of my missions is to give out Mass cards for birthdays, memorials, thinking of you, and encouragement. I give these special cards even to people who are not Catholic or Christian. It’s an acclamation: This is the best prayer that can be said for your intentions.
I also have the privilege of bringing our Lord to my homebound Mom.
Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.