I spent three years away from the Sacraments because I was not in a state of grace. I continued to attend Mass and was involved at my parish during that time, but did not present myself for Communion. I can't explain in true words the ache I felt during that time, and how much I missed that time with Jesus. Strangely, I felt the healing and transformative power of the Eucharist when I was away from it.
Praise God, and through His mercy, I am on the other side and once again in full communion with the Catholic Church. As dark as that time away from the sacraments was for me, I am truly grateful for it. In hindsight, I can see the difference of life with the Eucharist, and without. There is so much joy, strength, and the knowledge that Jesus is with you during all life's ups and downs. I will never take for granted that most wonderful gift that Jesus gave to us for the first time at His Last Supper, and I will celebrate it in awe, at every Mass for the rest of my life.
Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.