The Eucharist is strength and connection to our Lord in the most personal way possible. I can still remember my excitement and longing while preparing for my First Holy Communion, and I've been around for half a century or so. I felt a ‘freeing’ from being a spectator to truly a participant in the liturgy of the Mass. I grew up in a very traditional parish, and so we approached and knelt at the altar. The server held the salver while Father distributed the Precious Body. I believe this helped me recognize the reverence with which we should approach the Eucharist.
From the first time I ever received the Eucharist, I had no doubt that this was something special. As I aged and understood more, I never doubted the Real Presence.
Then, on a spur of the moment invitation to daily Mass, I entered St. Cuneguna with my friend to a sparsely-filled church. The priest had admitted that the evil one had tried to stand in the way of Mass happening. This is so true and God is so powerful.
It was at this Mass that God reaffirmed everything I believe about the Real Presence. During consecration, as Father held up the host, I saw a silhouette of Christ's profile in the host. I thought I was imagining it. I blinked and glanced at the people in the pews to see their reactions. When I looked back to the host the silhouette began to change, shifting to Our Lord on the crucifix, still in the silhouette, until Father lowered the host.
I shared this with my friend as we walked to the car. I asked if he had seen anything during the consecration. It was then that he pointed out to me that God granted me a vision. The feeling was and still is indescribable.
There is great power and healing in the Eucharist, if the receiver asks for it. I always thank Jesus for the overflowing love and mercy that He pours out through this most Blessed Sacrament.
The Eucharist is truly a wellspring of grace and mercy. It's the closest we can be to Christ outside Heaven. He, at that moment, is actually and physically dwelling within us!
I really need to go to adoration more often. There is calm and peace being in the presence of Christ. It's a time to glorify our Savior and thank Him for His great sacrifice of love and mercy for the world.
Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.