There have been many moments at Mass when I have known the healing power of Christ and He has given me inspiration for my daily struggles. Many times, I’ve cried during prayer after receiving Holy Communion. I am coming to know the joy of surrendering my suffering and uniting it to Jesus' at Mass, and that brings great peace. No matter how I feel, or whether I experience consolation from going, I know in my mind and heart that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. I missed it acutely during the covid shutdown in 2020.
I also love hearing and meditating on the Scriptures proclaimed at Mass, and gain many insights from the priests' homilies. It’s very calming and restorative for me to spend time with Jesus in adoration. He helps me sort out my problems and lets me know His great love for me.
Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.