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“We were dealing with something far bigger than ourselves”
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I had an eye-opening experience with the Eucharist while on a mission trip to Ecuador in 2008. I was in college, discerning if I felt called to a year of mission after graduation. (Spoiler: I didn’t spend a year on mission, but went back to Ecuador four additional times with young people from across the Archdiocese.)
During my mission trip, we traveled to the mountainous region of the country, predominantly inhabited by indigenous people. We helped to build a kitchen, beautify a cemetery, and paint a school building. Each community was so welcoming and shared what little they had with us, as if we were family. It was truly a humbling experience.
We had the opportunity to celebrate Mass with each community. When it came time for the distribution of the Eucharist, I experienced something unlike any of my experiences of Communion in the States. The people were so excited to receive the Eucharist, they nearly rushed the altar!
I thought about how many Masses were celebrated at my home parish each week, even each day. How we take that for granted! It was at this moment, on a mountainside in Ecuador, that I realized the great gift we have in receiving the Eucharist, and I never complained about going to church on Sunday again.
The Eucharist became more precious and real to me through the beauty of the universality of our faith. I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters in Ecuador, who opened my eyes and heart to the true presence of Jesus.
My love for the Eucharist continued to grow from this experience. I eventually quit my interior design job, which I accepted right after college, to work in church ministry. I was blessed to lead young people to the Eucharist through my work in youth ministry and now help to coordinate Eucharistic Adoration experiences in my role at St Aloysius, Detroit.
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Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.